The word “Narconon” literally means “no drugs” (Narco+Non) and the treatment methods employed by Narconon® organizations do not include other drugs or medication as a replacement for the addicted substances.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Narconon Students Acquire Skills To Take Control of Their Lives
Narconon students acquire skills to take control of their lives, make amends for wrong doings they had committed in the past, due to substance abuse. Students are given the life skills to enable them to confront their problems in the future without returning to drugs and or alcohol as an escape. This is in direct contrast to numerous conventional drug treatment programs, which tell addicts that they are powerless over their addiction and life’s. All Narconon students are rehabilitated from the ground up. When our graduates return home, their families can barely believe they’re the same person that was a mere shell just a few months earlier. During their enrollment in our program, students are completely detoxified from drugs and toxins in order to renew physical health and eliminate physical cravings. Consecutive, the student is rehabilitated mentally, socially and spiritually. Addressing and treating each aspect of what it is to be a human gives our clients the best chance available anywhere at having a drug free life.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Narconon Is Effective in Reducing Drug Abuse

The very first step to drug rehabilitation is to get the addict off the drugs and through the withdrawal stage. One method that is receiving a lot of attention is used by the Narconon(r) Drug Rehabilitation and Education Program. The Narconon Program is totally drug-free, (meaning substitute drugs are not used in the rehabilitation process) and achieves an extremely high success rate around the world for helping overcome addiction. Narconon addresses the biophysical aspects of addiction in an effective manner is one thing that puts the Narconon program at the top, achieving a success rate of approximately 70%, while the national average is well below 30%. The Narconon program is effective, both in reducing drug abuse and in improving the behavior of clients
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Narconon Center specializes in providing factual, up-to-date information about drugs for school kids
The Narconon Center is a non-profit public benefit organization that specializes in providing factual, up-to-date information about drugs for school kids. Over the past 20 years our innovative presentations have been studied, refined and presented in an engaging educational way. Narconon Center now offers these Drug prevention presentations on video. The Narconon Center’s current goal is to reach all the kids in public schools across America. The Narconon Center provides “The Truth about Drugs” educators Kit which consists of two videos, one guidebook, and a survey pack for elementary schools. Middle or high schools are supplied with the “Marijuana the Myth” educator’s kit that consist of a 3 part video series, guide book and answers to common questions students have about drugs. Just for high school Narconon center supplies “Xstasy the Real Story” educator’s kit and student surveys for follow up. The main goal for Narconon Center is the results from students viewing the videos !
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Narconon Knows All To Well About Heroin Withdrawls

Narconon knows when an individual regularly uses heroin, tolerance develops. This means the abuser must use additional heroin to experience the same intensity or effect. As increased doses are used over time, physical dependence and addiction develop. With physical dependence, the body will adapt to the presence of the drug and withdrawal symptoms may occur if use is reduced or stopped. Narconon knows a regular user may experience withdrawals as early as a few hours after the last administration. Withdrawals may cause one to experience drug craving, restlessness, muscle and bone pain, insomnia, diarrhea and vomiting, cold flashes with goose bumps, kicking movements, and other symptoms. Major withdrawal symptoms start between 48 and 72 hours after the last dose and subside after about a week. Onset withdrawal by heavily dependent users who are in poor health can be occasionally fatal; although heroin withdrawal is considered much less dangerous than alcohol or barbiturate withdrawal it is still dangerous.
Monday, October 4, 2010
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